Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Classical Music Database


Love classical music? So do we!
Sometimes we prefer Ke$ha. But I digress.

If you do love the classical, then you'll be pleased to learn there is a database dedicated to classical music and you can use it for free this month!!!!

The database is called Classical Music in Video (read about it here) produced by the Alexander Street Press. They are the same group that provides the excellent Counseling and Therapy In Video (CTIV) database to which we subscribe.

In order to enjoy classical music for free for a month, sign up here. Minimal information is needed--just your name, email address, and institution name (Saint Mary's University of MN). Then you can rock like Bach or dance like Franz (Schubert).

**The photo above was doctored. The database does not contain the music of The Biebz.

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