Wednesday, November 07, 2018

New Books: November 2018

What's new in the library?

This month's selection of new books includes productivity guides for teaching faculty, a focus on the future of higher education, and one of the most popular documentaries on human children ever produced.  Here's what's new at the library this month:




  • History of Wolves: A Novel - E. Fridlund
    • Fourteen-year-old Linda lives with her parents in the woods of northern Minnesota, in a nearly abandoned commune stands as a last vestige of a lost counter-culture world. Over the course of a few days, Linda makes a set of choices that reverberate throughout her life. As she struggles to find a way out of the sequestered world into which she was born, Linda confronts the life-and-death consequences of the things people do-and fail to do-for the people they love.


  • Babies - T. Balmes & B. Coulais
    • This famous documentary follows four babies from different parts of the globe - Ponijao from Namibia, Bayarjargal from Mongolia, Hattie from San Francisco, and Mari from Tokyo - as they navigate their first year of life.

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