Seems ScienceDirect is not letting off-campus users access PDFs. We're aware of the problem and have contacted the fix-it peoples.
In the meantime, please EMAIL, CALL, OR CHAT WITH US if you encounter this problem. We will email you the PDF immediately. Faster than the Jimmy John's delivery person.
This quirk is a little confusing because what happens is you can sign into the database, search around, and do everything but access PDFs. HTML full text is not affected by this quirk. If you are on campus, you are able to access PDFs just fine. We're not sure why ScienceDirect is being mean to off-campus users, but we'll get to the bottom of this travesty!
Seems ScienceDirect is not letting off-campus users access PDFs. We're aware of the problem and have contacted the fix-it peoples.
In the meantime, please EMAIL, CALL, OR CHAT WITH US if you encounter this problem. We will email you the PDF immediately. Faster than the Jimmy John's delivery person.
This quirk is a little confusing because what happens is you can sign into the database, search around, and do everything but access PDFs. HTML full text is not affected by this quirk. If you are on campus, you are able to access PDFs just fine. We're not sure why ScienceDirect is being mean to off-campus users, but we'll get to the bottom of this travesty!