Monday, December 22, 2014

Top Tens of 2014: Fun Library Facts

Twin Cities Library likes to reflect on the past year by collecting some silly, serious, or just generally odd statistics for your reading pleasure. Below are a selection of our favorite bits of data, courtesy of Google Analytics and our library’s circulation system, Aleph.

Website Stats
We had online visitors from all 50 states and 171 countries this year. Where did all these people come from?

2014 Top Ten Countries with Visitors to our Website (Besides the US)
  1. United Kingdom (Queen Elizabeth? Is that you?)
  2. India
  3. Philippines
  4. Pakistan
  5. Australia
  6. Canada
  7. Malaysia
  8. Kenya (Saint Mary's University's Christ the Teacher Institute for Education and Maryknoll Institute of African Studies are located in Nairobi, Kenya.)
  9. Jamaica (Saint Mary's University has a partnership with the Catholic College of Mandeville located in Jamaica.)
  10. South Africa

SuperSearch Stats
We had 196,368 unique searches in SuperSearch between 1/1/14 and 12/10/14. There were definitely some repeated searches, but overall, there were 167,204 unique search queries put into SuperSearch. The average time spent in SuperSearch? 10 minutes and 37 seconds.

2014 Top Ten Searches
Search articles, books, and more all at once... (this is the generic text in the search was searched over 1,300 times.)
  1. supersearch
  2. dogs (several of our librarians use this word as a sample search when testing things in SuperSearch.)
  3. leadership
  4. writing center
  5. cats (the rest of the librarians use this word as their sample search. Guess we have more dog lovers than cat lovers in the library. A shame.)
  6. autism
  7. project management
  8. ayahuasca
  9. narrative therapy

Circulation Stats
Our circulation system has been kept busy this year, with 3,543 checkouts of 1,925 unique materials from our library – including our collections of books, videos and DVDs, and assessment tests. Even more popular was out collection of eBooks, which are available online for all students.

Most Popular Books & Videos
  1. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5. (34 loans)
  2. Three approaches to psychotherapy [video]. (25 loans)
  3. Childhood [video]. (24 loans)
  4. The world of abnormal psychology [video]. (16 loans)
  5. Couples counseling [video]. (12 loans)
  6. The secret life of the brain [video]. (11 loans)
  7. Publication manual of the American Psychological Association. (11 loans)
  8. Handbook of psychological assessment. (10 loans)
  9. Axis: journal of Lasallian higher education. (9 loans)
  10. The neuroscience of human relationships. (9 loans)
Most Popular Assessment Tests
  1. Family Environment Scale manual: development, applications, research. (32 loans)
  2. Psychodiagnostik: Tafeln [a.k.a.: the Rorschach test]. (29 loans)
  3. BDI-II: Beck Depression Inventory. (28 loans)
  4. Thematic Apperception Test. (21 loans)
  5. CPI manual: California Psychological Inventory. (20 loans)
  6. BAI, Beck anxiety inventory. (16 loans)
  7. BASC 2: Behavior assessment system for children. (14 loans)
  8. House-tree-person drawings: an illustrated diagnostic handbook. (13 loans)
  9. MMPI-2: Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2. (13 loans)
  10. PRQ: parenting relationship questionnaire manual. (12 loans)
Most Popular eBooks
  1. Differentiated literacy coaching. (157 clicks)
  2. Emotional intelligence for project managers. (135 clicks)
  3. How to manage conflict in the organization. (89 clicks)
  4. Handbook of lifespan development. (65 clicks)
  5. Leaching change. (61 clicks)
  6. The essential guide to employee engagement. (38 clicks)
  7. Understanding by design. (37 clicks)
  8. Personality, stress, and coping. (36 clicks)
  9. Spirituality, values, and mental health. (36 clicks)
  10. Marriage and family therapy: A practice-oriented approach. (31 clicks)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

December Holiday Hours

As the end of the semester and the Christmas season approaches, the Twin Cities Library will have some adjusted hours and closures to accommodate the University holiday schedule.  Remember, if you ever have any questions about when we are open, you can always check our hours page or contact us directly!

Happy holidays from the Twin Cities Library!

December 15th - 21st:
Monday - Friday:  9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday - Sunday:  CLOSED

December 22nd - 28th:
Monday - Tuesday:  9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday - Sunday:  CLOSED

December 29th - January 4th:
Monday - Tuesday:  9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday - Sunday:  CLOSED

Thursday, December 04, 2014

New SuperSearch Features: Campus Services Information

Looking for information on campus services from the library web page? We’ve got you covered!

Now when you search in SuperSearch for information on the bookstore, hours, or the writing center, a banner will appear at the top of your search results page with a link to the web page for the local Saint Mary’s service.

Other popular searches have their own banner with links to relevant information as well.

Have a suggestion on a resource that should have its own banner? We’d love to hear it! Contact us with your idea at

Monday, December 01, 2014

December 2014 New Books

Welcome to December, month of candy canes, Christmas, and cold weather! Rather than freezing outside this month, why not curl up indoors with one of the Twin Cities Library's fantastic new books? With this much to read, you'll never get bored this winter!

Leadership and Performance beyond Expectations
Bass, Bernard M.

Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision
Battiste, Marie Ann

Physical Geography: The Global Environment
de Blij, H. J.

Handbook of the Medical Consequences of Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Brick, John

Counseling & Diversity (Counseling Diverse Populations)
Choudhuri, Devika Dibya

Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography
Christopherson, Robert W.

How Will You Measure Your Life?
Clayton M. Christensen

Infrastructure Planning and Finance: A Smart and Sustainable Guide
Elmer, Vicki

Nigerian Immigrants in the United States: Race, Identity, and Acculturation
Ette, Ezekiel Umo

How to Conduct Surveys: A Step-by-Step Guide
Fink, Arlene G.

Fried, Jason

The Undiscovered Self: With Symbols and the Interpretation of Dreams
Jung, C. G.

Developing the Leader within You
Maxwell, John C.

The City, the River, the Bridge: Before and after the Minneapolis Bridge Collapse
Nunnally, Patrick

Making Sense of Factor Analysis: The Use of Factor Analysis for Instrument Development in Health Care Research
Pett, Marjorie A.

The Handbook of Spiritual Development in Childhood and Adolescence
Roehlkepartain, Eugene C.

Alcohol: Its History, Pharmacology and Treatment
Rose M.A., Mark E

Methodology of the Oppressed
Sandoval, Chela

Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples
Smith, Linda Tuhiwai

Solitude: A Return to the Self
Storr, Anthony

The Law and Special Education
Yell, Mitchell L.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Thanksgiving Holiday Hours

Twin Cities Library will have adjusted hours for Thanksgiving this week.  We will be closing at 12pm on Wednesday, November 26 and will be closed on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, November 27-29. Enjoy the holiday!

As always, if you ever have any questions about the Twin Cities Library’s open hours, you can check our hours page or contact us using any of the methods below. Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Phone:  (612) 728-5108
Chat now via the library web page

Monday, November 03, 2014

November 2014 New Books

It’s almost Thanksgiving, and you know what that means – more new books to be thankful for! The Twin Cities Library has been busy adding a lot of new materials to our shelves, so come and take a look at our brand new books, videos, and more!

Why Race and Culture Matter in Schools: Closing the Achievement Gap in America's Classrooms

Border Film Project: Photos by Migrants & Minutemen on the U.S.-Mexico Border
Adler, Rudy

Hidden Colors 3: The Rules of Racism
Banner, David

Equity and Excellence in American Higher Education
Bowen, William G.

Loss: Sadness and Depression
Bowlby, John

Separation: Anxiety and Anger
Bowlby, John

A Secure Base: Parent-Child Attachment and Healthy Human Development
Bowlby, John

How to Win Friends and Influence People
Carnegie, Dale

"It's Being Done": Academic Success in Unexpected Schools
Chenoweth, Karin

Organization Design: A Guide to Building Effective Organizations
Cichocki, Patricia

The Profession of Social Work: Guided by History, Led by Evidence
Dulmus, Catherine N.

Strategy, Organizational Effectiveness and Performance Management: From Basics to Best Practices
Dressler, Soeren

No Fighting, No Biting, No Screaming: How to Make Behaving Positively Possible for People with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
Elven, Bo Hejlskov

Still Alice
Genova, Lisa

Building a Better Teacher: How Teaching Works (and How to Teach It to Everyone)
Green, Elizabeth

My Dinner with Andre [video]
Gregory, Andre

Google and the Culture of Search
Hillis, Ken

Which Way Home [video]
Holbrooke, Andrew

Abnormal Child Psychology
Mash, Eric J

Going Online with Protocols: New Tools for Teaching and Learning
McDonald, Joseph P.

Roger & Me [video]
Moore, Michael

The Teacher Educator's Handbook: Building a Knowledge Base for the Preparation of Teachers
Murray, Frank B.

Decoding the Disciplines: Helping Students Learn Disciplinary Ways of Thinking
Pace, David

The Addictions Recovery Workbook: 101 Practical Exercises for Individuals and Groups
Phelan, James E.

Becoming Freud: The Making of a Psychoanalyst
Phillips, Adam

Phenomenology of the Social World
Schutz, Alfred

Whistling Vivaldi: and other clues on how stereotypes affect us
Steele, Claude M.

Psychological Therapies for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
Taylor, John L.

Assessment and Student Success in a Differentiated Classroom
Tomlinson, Carol Ann

Leadership Assessment for Talent Development
Wall, Tony

The White Architects of Black Education: Ideology and Power in America, 1865-1954
Watkins, William H.

Research Is Ceremony: Indigenous Research Methods
Wilson, Shawn

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

New Limit Links in SuperSearch!

We've made some updates to SuperSearch to make things easier to find! The limiting options for peer-reviewed articles, books and videos, and outside sources have now changed to better reflect the content they link to.

Before - After

This minor change should help make it clearer which limits you can use!  It should not affect any links, saved searches, or personal settings that you have in place in SuperSearch.

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

October 2014 New Books

Happy Fall! This month Twin Cities Library is celebrating the Lasallian Week of Peace by featuring a display of books and videos on hunger, poverty, and peace throughout the world. A full list of events for the Lasallian Week of Peace is forthcoming, so keep an eye on your email for future updates!

For now, enjoy these brand new materials, specially purchased for the month of October!

The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge
Berger, Peter L.

What Every Mental Health Professional Needs to Know About Sex
Buehler, Stephanie

Consulting With Teachers [video]
Carlson, Jon

Organization Development and Change
Cummings, Thomas G.

Getting the Most Out of Clinical Training and Supervision: A Guide to Practicum Students and Interns
Falender, Carol A.

The Rise: Creativity, the Gift of Failure, and the Search for Mastery
Lewis, Sarah

Man's Search for Himself
May, Rollo

One Size Fits Few: The Folly of Educational Standards
Ohanian, Susan

Rethinking Race and Ethnicity in Research Methods
Stanfield, John H

Researching Lived Experience
Van Manen, Max

Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in the Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy
Wilcoxon, Allen P

White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son
Wise, Tim

Born That Way: Genes, Behavior, Personality
Wright, William

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

September 2014 New Books

Welcome back for the start of another academic year! The Twin Cities Library is starting the year off right with a whole slew of new books for all programs. Need a resource for class, or just want to find something to read in your spare time? Then stop by or contact us. We have something for everyone!

Conceptual Blockbusting: A Guide to Better Ideas
Adams, James L.

Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police Forces
Balko, Radley

Hidden Colors III: The Rules Of Racism
Banner, David

Cultural Agility: Building a Pipeline of Successful Global Professionals
Caligiuri, Paula

Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Drucker, Peter F.

New Perspectives On Poverty: Policies, Programs, and Practice
Giffords, Elissa D.

Even the Rat Was White: A Historical View of Psychology
Guthrie, Robert V.

ISD From the Ground Up: A No-Nonsense Approach to Instructional Design
Hodell, Chuck

Finding The Mind: Pedagogy For Verifying
King, Catherine Blanche

Treating PTSD in Battered Women: A Step-by-Step Manual for Therapists and Counselors
Kubany, Edward S.

Instructional Design for Librarians and Information Professionals
Lesley S.J. Farmer

One Size Fits Few: The Folly of Educational Standards
Ohanian, Susan

Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life
Rohr, Richard

Process Consultation: Its Role in Organization Development
Schein, Edgar H.

Process Consultation: Lessons for Managers and Consultants
Schein, Edgar H.

Aging with Grace: What the Nun Study Teaches Us About Leading Longer, Healthier, and More Meaningful Lives
Snowdon, David

An A-Z of Counselling Theory and Practice. William Stewart
Stewart, William

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Labor Day Holiday Hours

Twin Cities Library will be closed for Labor Day on Saturday, August 30 and Monday, September 1. Enjoy the weekend off from studying by visiting the State Fair or just having fun on the last few days of summer!

As always, if you ever have any questions about the Twin Cities Library’s open hours, you can check our hours page or contact us using any of the methods below. Have a happy Labor Day!

Phone:  612-728-5108

Chat now via the library web page

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Library Hours: Short Closures 8/13 & 8/20

Twin Cities Library will have slightly reduced hours tomorrow, Wednesday August 13, and next Wednesday, August 20.

Tomorrow, August 13, we will be closed between 12pm and 2pm for a staff event. We will reopen at 2pm and will remain open until our regular closing time of 9pm that evening.

On Wednesday, August 20, we will be closed between 9am and 2pm for University Convocation. Once again, we will reopen at 2pm and will remain open until our regular closing time of 9pm that evening.

If you ever have any questions about the Twin Cities Library’s open hours, you can check our hours page or contact us using any of the methods below.  Happy August!

Phone:  612-728-5108
Or chat now via the library web page!

Monday, August 11, 2014

ILL/Renew Username and Password Updated

Good news for anyone who uses the Twin Cities Library: renewing and requesting library materials just got a lot easier!

You can now access a list of your checked out items, request renewals, and create and renew interlibrary loan requests online using your regular Saint Mary’s username and password. This will replace our former system that required your fourteen-digit barcode and a special password for access.

With the new login system, your username will be the same as for other Saint Mary’s online tools. Your password will also be the same, and will automatically update when you change your password in any other online service.

Remember with this new update that your SuperSearch account is still separate from your Saint Mary’s account information. You will still set the username for your SuperSearch account yourself, and the password will not update with other services. Make sure you write down your login information when you create your SuperSearch account!

Want to try it out? Log in to your account today!

Saturday, August 09, 2014

SuperSearch Interface Wonky

Saturday, 8/9 - SuperSearch apparently didn't show up to work this morning, because the interface is weird looking. It looks like it is all text and left-aligned to the page. And the background might be blue.

This isn't your error - this is SuperSearch being terrible. Bad SuperSearch.

How to fix it? 

We opened SuperSearch in Firefox, Chrome, and Explorer...refreshed all of them a few time...eventually, Firefox started working for us normally. So - play around in different browsers...eventually SuperSearch will get out of its funk and work for you!

If you are unable to get away from the blue-screen-of-text-death, get in touch with Twin Cities Library and we'll help you out.

Chat with us on our website. (At least that works!!)

Friday, August 01, 2014

August 2014 New Books

Happy Art Appreciation Month from the Twin Cities Library! Celebrate this lovely new month with some even more lovely new books. If you really want to get into the spirit of August, try grabbing one to read in the special collections room along with our beautiful new mural from local artist Melodee Strong. Or, if you want to try something new, take a look at this International Directory of Sculpture Parks and Gardens for an outdoor art experience near you!

The Black Guide to Life at Harvard

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR)

The Culture of Mental Illness and Psychiatric Practice in Africa
Akyeampong, Emmanuel

What the Best College Teachers Do
Bain, Ken

Guide to Psychological Assessment with Hispanics
Benuto, Lorraine T.

Innovative Teaching Strategies In Nursing And Related Health Professions
Bradshaw, Martha

The Psychology Book (Big Ideas Simply Explained)
Collin, Catherine

Evolution of a Group: Student Video and Workbook
Corey, Gerald

Latino Families in Therapy
Falicov, Celia Jaes

Language, Gender, and Professional Writing: Theoretical Approaches and Guidelines for Nonsexist Usage
Frank, Francine Wattman

DSM-IV-TR Casebook and Treatment Guide for Child Mental Health
Galanter, Cathryn A.

The Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Adult Learners
Gleason, Barbara

Dream Work in Practice [Video]
Hill, Clara E.

Existential Psychology East-West
Hoffman, Louis

Gone Were the Days of Fun: Based on a true account of a survival of the Liberian Civil War
Jappah, Elizabeth N.

The Chosen: The Hidden History of Admission and Exclusion at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton
Karabel, Jerome

Couples, Gender, and Power: Creating Change in Intimate Relationships
Knudson-Martin, Carmen

Leatherman Leadership Questionnaire II - LLQ II Development Manual
Leatherman, Richard W.

Rethinking Teacher Supervision and Evaluation: How to Work Smart, Build Collaboration, and Close the Achievement Gap
Marshall, Kim

The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook: Practical DBT Exercises for Learning Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation
McKay, Matthew

McKeachie's Teaching Tips
McKeachie, Wilbert

Degrees of Inequality: How the Politics of Higher Education Sabotaged the American Dream
Mettler, Suzanne

The Oxford Handbook of Psychology and Spirituality
Miller, Lisa J.

Bullying at School: What We Know and What We Can Do
Olweus, Dan

Mastering the Teaching Role: A Guide for Nurse Educators
Penn, Barbara K.

Five Perspectives on Teaching in Adult and Higher Education
Pratt, Daniel D.

Schacter, Daniel L.

The Impact of Immigration on African Americans
Shulman, Steven

Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t
Sinek, Simon

Leaving College: Rethinking the Causes and Cures of Student Attrition
Tinto, Vincent

Bootstraps: From an American Academic of Color
Villanueva, Victor

Thursday, July 03, 2014

ILL/Renew Username & Password

Our library catalog is going through a systems update and something went amiss. Your Saint Mary's username and password WILL NOT WORK to get you logged in.

Try logging in with your 14-digit ID card barcode number as the username and your last name as the password. It should let you in for the time being. Sorry about the confusion - we're working with our vendor to figure out what's happening. Apparently even the library catalog is on vacation for the long weekend.

Speaking of, have a good one!!

P.S. Don't know what your 14-digit barcode number is? Take your 8-digit student ID number (which you can find in WebTools) and add 235000 in front of it. Voila - library barcode!

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

July 2014 New Books

Everyone knows that July is a great time for picnics and swimming, but did you know it is also the best time for reading?  Those long days and warm nights are perfect for pulling out a book (or two, or three) and catching up with that long-awaited novel or research study.  With that in mind, check out the Twin Cities Library's list of new books for this month!  There something for everyone, no matter what your interests are.

Aldridge, David

Aten, Jamie D.

Boateng, Boatema

Broughton, Vanda

Browning, Scott

Cashwell, Craig S.

The Embedded Librarian's Cookbook
Calkins, Kaijsa

Danes, Claire

Darling-Hammond, Linda

Ellis, Thomas M.

Gubrium, Jaber F.

Incayawar, Mario

Jorgensen, Cheryl

Lowry, Richard

Moustakas, Clark

Robinson, Daniel N.

Silverstein, Jeffrey

Stagner, Ross

Wachtel, Paul L.

Yusuf, Ahmed Ismail

Monday, June 30, 2014

Reduced Library Hours

Twin Cities Library will have reduced hours the first two weeks of July, and we'll be closed over the Fourth of July holiday weekend. Please visit our hours webpage to see when we're open. Have a safe and happy July 4th holiday weekend!


Thursday, June 12, 2014

New SuperSearch Features: Research Starters

Like Wikipedia, but want to get your information from a reliable source? Have a difficult research topic and don’t know where to start? The Library has recently implemented Research Starters in SuperSearch, to help with those tricky research situations!

Research Starters provide summary articles for popular topics that are authoritative and suitable for use in academic papers. These articles provide links to related topics, as well as short bibliographies to help with further research. Research Starter summary articles will always appear on the top of the results list for popular topics.

So get started on that big research project today, with this great new resource from the Twin Cities Library!

To learn more about the development and implementation of Research Starters, check out Library Journal’s recent article about them!

Monday, June 02, 2014

June 2014 New Books

Did you know that there are a bunch of great holidays to celebrate in June?  In addition to big ones like Father's Day (June 15th) and the beginning of Ramadan (June 28th), there are less common mini-holidays, from National Repeat Day (June 3rd) to Meteor Day (June 30th).  So stop by and celebrate all month long with these fantastic new books at the library! 

Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning
Brown, Peter C. 

The Oxford Handbook of Research Strategies for Clinical Psychology
Comer, Jonathan S.

Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches
Creswell, John W.

Supervision of Instruction: A Developmental Approach
Glickman, Carl D.

Developmental Teacher Evaluation
Harris, Ben M.

Mermaid and the Minotaur
Dinnerstein, Dorothy

Civilization and Its Discontents
Freud, Sigmund

Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty, Third Edition: Survey Design, Use, and Statistical Analysis Methods
Hayes, Bob E.

Cool Infographics: Effective Communication with Data Visualization and Design
Krum, Randy

Infographics: The Power of Visual Storytelling
Lankow, Jason

Teacher evaluation: Improvement, accountability, and effective learning
McLaughlin, Milbrey Wallin

Attachment in Adulthood: Structure, Dynamics, and Change
Mikulince, Mario

NCMHCE Secrets Study Guide: Exam Review for the National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination 

Smarter Brains (video)

A Bright Red Scream: Self-Mutilation and the Language of Pain
Strong, Marilee

Evaluating Teaching: A Guide to Current Thinking and Best Practice
Stronge, James H.

Journey of the Universe: An Epic Story of Cosmic, Earth and Human Transformation (video)
Swimme, Brian Thomas

Principles and Practices for Effective Teacher Evaluation
Valentine, Jerry


Thursday, May 29, 2014

New Resource: Intelliconnect

Just in time for summer, there is more good news from Saint Mary's Twin Cities Library!  The Library has recently subscribed to a fantastic new resource called Intelliconnect, which is now available for student use.

Intelliconnect contains the most recent version of the U.S. Master Tax Guide.  It also provides access to news, journals, regulations, court cases, IRS rulings, and tax forms for state and federal taxes.  Intelliconnect is great for accounting students who need up-to-date information on state and federal taxation.

Give the new database a try!  Just click on the image below to visit Intelliconnect.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Memorial Day Holiday Hours

Twin Cities Library will be closed over Memorial Day weekend, Saturday, May 24th - Monday, May 26th. Much early-season BBQ, gardening, and cornhole will be had.

Although Twin Cities Library will be closed along with the rest of campus, all of our online resources will still be available (SuperSearch, articles, eBooks, streaming videos, etc.) Online services that require our delicate human touch will not be available; these include chat, interlibrary loan, and email. You can still place interlibrary loan requests and send us emails, but will won't be able to take care of them until Tuesday.


Monday, May 12, 2014

Library Hours - Thursday, May 15

Twin Cities Library will be closed from 11am - 2pm for a campus wide staff meeting on Thursday, May 15th. Computers are available in the student lounge on the second floor of LaSalle Hall. 

Monday, May 05, 2014

May 2014 New Books

Spring has officially sprung (even if we still don't have any sun). You know what that means - time to get some books for summer reading! Let us help you find something interesting to page through, starting with these exciting books, which are new to the library this month.

The American Community College - Cohen, Arthur M.

Farmingville (video)

Inside Job (video)

Mid-level Manager in Student Affairs Strategies for Success - Robert L. Ackerman

New Knowledge in Human Values - Maslow, Abraham Harold

The Psychopath Whisperer: The Science of Those Without Conscience - Kiehl, Kent A.

Social Learning Theory - Bandura, Albert

The Tacit Dimension - Polanyi, Michael

Technology and the Cloud

Transformative Assessment - Popham, W. James

Friday, April 25, 2014

Semester Break Library Hours

Library hours are reduced the week of Monday, April 28 - Friday, May 2. We hope you enjoy your week off!


Monday, April 14, 2014

Easter Holiday Library Hours

Twin Cities Library will be closed over Easter weekend from Friday 4/18 through Monday, 4/21. Have an eggcellent weekend off, and we’ll see you Tuesday morning when we resume normal hours.

And please note, although Twin Cities Library will be closed along with the rest of campus, all of our online resources will still be available (SuperSearch, articles, eBooks, streaming videos, etc.) Online services that require our delicate human touch will not be available; these include chat, interlibrary loan, and email. You can still place interlibrary loan requests and send us emails, but will won't be able to take care of them until Tuesday.

Please also note our reduced hours during the Semester Break week; we're only open until 5pm between 4/28 and 5/02, and we're closed Saturday, 5/03. Normal hours resume Monday, 5/05.

See Twin Cities Library hours.

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

April 2014 New Books

Happy April Fool's Day! Do you know any good library jokes? We don't... but we know how to help you find them!

If you are more interested in serious reading for now, we also have a slew of new books this month - including a bunch on academic writing and writing a dissertation. Enjoy all the fabulous new titles!

Q. How many reference librarians does it take to change a light bulb? A. Well, what kind of light bulb were you thinking about?
Lots of jokes -> ''

Environmental Science - Enger, Eldon

Environmental Science - Miller, G. Tyler

Keys to Great Writing - Wilbers, Stephen

Narrative Therapy - Payne, Martin

On Becoming a Leader - Bennis, Warren G.