Monday, December 22, 2014

Top Tens of 2014: Fun Library Facts

Twin Cities Library likes to reflect on the past year by collecting some silly, serious, or just generally odd statistics for your reading pleasure. Below are a selection of our favorite bits of data, courtesy of Google Analytics and our library’s circulation system, Aleph.

Website Stats
We had online visitors from all 50 states and 171 countries this year. Where did all these people come from?

2014 Top Ten Countries with Visitors to our Website (Besides the US)
  1. United Kingdom (Queen Elizabeth? Is that you?)
  2. India
  3. Philippines
  4. Pakistan
  5. Australia
  6. Canada
  7. Malaysia
  8. Kenya (Saint Mary's University's Christ the Teacher Institute for Education and Maryknoll Institute of African Studies are located in Nairobi, Kenya.)
  9. Jamaica (Saint Mary's University has a partnership with the Catholic College of Mandeville located in Jamaica.)
  10. South Africa

SuperSearch Stats
We had 196,368 unique searches in SuperSearch between 1/1/14 and 12/10/14. There were definitely some repeated searches, but overall, there were 167,204 unique search queries put into SuperSearch. The average time spent in SuperSearch? 10 minutes and 37 seconds.

2014 Top Ten Searches
Search articles, books, and more all at once... (this is the generic text in the search was searched over 1,300 times.)
  1. supersearch
  2. dogs (several of our librarians use this word as a sample search when testing things in SuperSearch.)
  3. leadership
  4. writing center
  5. cats (the rest of the librarians use this word as their sample search. Guess we have more dog lovers than cat lovers in the library. A shame.)
  6. autism
  7. project management
  8. ayahuasca
  9. narrative therapy

Circulation Stats
Our circulation system has been kept busy this year, with 3,543 checkouts of 1,925 unique materials from our library – including our collections of books, videos and DVDs, and assessment tests. Even more popular was out collection of eBooks, which are available online for all students.

Most Popular Books & Videos
  1. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5. (34 loans)
  2. Three approaches to psychotherapy [video]. (25 loans)
  3. Childhood [video]. (24 loans)
  4. The world of abnormal psychology [video]. (16 loans)
  5. Couples counseling [video]. (12 loans)
  6. The secret life of the brain [video]. (11 loans)
  7. Publication manual of the American Psychological Association. (11 loans)
  8. Handbook of psychological assessment. (10 loans)
  9. Axis: journal of Lasallian higher education. (9 loans)
  10. The neuroscience of human relationships. (9 loans)
Most Popular Assessment Tests
  1. Family Environment Scale manual: development, applications, research. (32 loans)
  2. Psychodiagnostik: Tafeln [a.k.a.: the Rorschach test]. (29 loans)
  3. BDI-II: Beck Depression Inventory. (28 loans)
  4. Thematic Apperception Test. (21 loans)
  5. CPI manual: California Psychological Inventory. (20 loans)
  6. BAI, Beck anxiety inventory. (16 loans)
  7. BASC 2: Behavior assessment system for children. (14 loans)
  8. House-tree-person drawings: an illustrated diagnostic handbook. (13 loans)
  9. MMPI-2: Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2. (13 loans)
  10. PRQ: parenting relationship questionnaire manual. (12 loans)
Most Popular eBooks
  1. Differentiated literacy coaching. (157 clicks)
  2. Emotional intelligence for project managers. (135 clicks)
  3. How to manage conflict in the organization. (89 clicks)
  4. Handbook of lifespan development. (65 clicks)
  5. Leaching change. (61 clicks)
  6. The essential guide to employee engagement. (38 clicks)
  7. Understanding by design. (37 clicks)
  8. Personality, stress, and coping. (36 clicks)
  9. Spirituality, values, and mental health. (36 clicks)
  10. Marriage and family therapy: A practice-oriented approach. (31 clicks)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

December Holiday Hours

As the end of the semester and the Christmas season approaches, the Twin Cities Library will have some adjusted hours and closures to accommodate the University holiday schedule.  Remember, if you ever have any questions about when we are open, you can always check our hours page or contact us directly!

Happy holidays from the Twin Cities Library!

December 15th - 21st:
Monday - Friday:  9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday - Sunday:  CLOSED

December 22nd - 28th:
Monday - Tuesday:  9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday - Sunday:  CLOSED

December 29th - January 4th:
Monday - Tuesday:  9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday - Sunday:  CLOSED

Thursday, December 04, 2014

New SuperSearch Features: Campus Services Information

Looking for information on campus services from the library web page? We’ve got you covered!

Now when you search in SuperSearch for information on the bookstore, hours, or the writing center, a banner will appear at the top of your search results page with a link to the web page for the local Saint Mary’s service.

Other popular searches have their own banner with links to relevant information as well.

Have a suggestion on a resource that should have its own banner? We’d love to hear it! Contact us with your idea at

Monday, December 01, 2014

December 2014 New Books

Welcome to December, month of candy canes, Christmas, and cold weather! Rather than freezing outside this month, why not curl up indoors with one of the Twin Cities Library's fantastic new books? With this much to read, you'll never get bored this winter!

Leadership and Performance beyond Expectations
Bass, Bernard M.

Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision
Battiste, Marie Ann

Physical Geography: The Global Environment
de Blij, H. J.

Handbook of the Medical Consequences of Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Brick, John

Counseling & Diversity (Counseling Diverse Populations)
Choudhuri, Devika Dibya

Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography
Christopherson, Robert W.

How Will You Measure Your Life?
Clayton M. Christensen

Infrastructure Planning and Finance: A Smart and Sustainable Guide
Elmer, Vicki

Nigerian Immigrants in the United States: Race, Identity, and Acculturation
Ette, Ezekiel Umo

How to Conduct Surveys: A Step-by-Step Guide
Fink, Arlene G.

Fried, Jason

The Undiscovered Self: With Symbols and the Interpretation of Dreams
Jung, C. G.

Developing the Leader within You
Maxwell, John C.

The City, the River, the Bridge: Before and after the Minneapolis Bridge Collapse
Nunnally, Patrick

Making Sense of Factor Analysis: The Use of Factor Analysis for Instrument Development in Health Care Research
Pett, Marjorie A.

The Handbook of Spiritual Development in Childhood and Adolescence
Roehlkepartain, Eugene C.

Alcohol: Its History, Pharmacology and Treatment
Rose M.A., Mark E

Methodology of the Oppressed
Sandoval, Chela

Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples
Smith, Linda Tuhiwai

Solitude: A Return to the Self
Storr, Anthony

The Law and Special Education
Yell, Mitchell L.