Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Featured: How to Deliver a TED Talk

How to Deliver a TED Talk

Secrets of the World’s Most Inspiring Presentations

We’re all familiar with TED talks, but how do they come to be? This book looks at the process for developing the “speech of your life”, including easy-to-follow tips that can be incorporated into any speech, presentation, or talk that you give.

Recommended for: students, public speakers, and presenters of information.

Place a Hold

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

New Books: September 2019

What's new at the library?

This month's selection of new books includes volumes on leadership, occupational stress, and several new dissertations from Saint Mary's students. Here's what's new at the library this month:



Sunday, September 01, 2019

Fall Semester Hours

The library hours will be changing for the fall semester.  Beginning on September 1, our weekly hours will be as follows:
Fall Semester Hours
  • Monday - Thursday:     9am - 7pm 
  • Friday:                          9am - 5pm
  • Saturday:                       9am - 3pm
  • Sunday:                         CLOSED

If you need assistance after hours, you can use our 24/7 Chat Now service, available on the library website. You can also email us at tclibrary@smumn.edu for a response the next business day.

Have a great autumn!