Friday, February 19, 2010

Coming soon: NEW WEB SITE

Sneak Peek of our New Web site

Hello SMU Community!

Mark your calendars and get out your bottles of celebratory champagne. It is with bated breath and much excitement that TC Library announces the introduction of our new Library Web site during the month of March!

TC Library’s new Web site features improved navigability, new databases, a new library catalog interface, new services, and additional tutorials. Some highlights include:

  • Catalog and database searching from the homepage.
  • Research tutorials in html, PDF, video, and mp4 format.
  • Consistent dropdown menus on every page.
  • Web 2.0—follow us online.

Be sure to click over to during the month of March. We hope you’ll like what you see!!

(The image above is a sneak peek of what one little section of our new homepage might look like.)

Friday, February 05, 2010

Text a Librarian!

Text a Librarian!

TC Library is guilty of texting in class, too! You can now text us and the librarian on the reference desk will text back a response to your question. We’ll keep our answers 140 characters short, don’t worry!

How to text us:

  1. Address your text message to 246246
  2. Start off the body of the message with send smutclibrary
  3. Add your question/message

We’re able to provide this service to you using AOL's Mobile AIM Service. This service should work with most major cell carriers, but if you try it and do not receive a response from us, please try a different method of contacting us.

Also, remember that depending in your cell plan, sending and receiving text messages can cost money. The library is not responsible for these charges.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Feb. 01: Closing @ 7:30

Hi SMU community, TC Library is closing at 7:30pm tonight. Please travel carefully in the snow!