Thursday, March 08, 2012

ProQuest Psychology Inaccessible

Wednesday, March 14th update: ProQuest is back in action.

ProQuest Psychology is currently inaccessible.
When you enter the ProQuest interface, ProQuest Psychology Journals is not included in the list of databases.
While you'll see a search box, you won't be searching any psychology journals.

In the meantime, you can search PsycINFO or PsycARTICLES.

We'll let you know when the issue is resolved.


parker said...

Hello, i don't know what is proquest Psychology. Can you please tell me and is it beneficial for students persuing psychology study

tclibrary said...

Parker--ProQuest Psychology database provides abstracts and full text for journal articles and recent dissertations covering all aspects of psychology. You can read more about it here: