Friday, February 15, 2013

Full Text Linking System Down

Our full text linking system is SUPER SLOW this can select "Full Text Options - SMU" and then five minutes later, finally get to the page you're looking for. No one has time for that! Here's a work-around.

  1. Find article you want
  2. Open second Internet window/tab
  3. Go to our manual ILL request form
  4. Sign in, fill out info, hit Submit!
Our interlibrary loan process is so fast we'll probably get you the article you need before the original "Full Text Options - SMU" page loads. 

Friday, February 01, 2013

Blind Date with a Book

February's book display is a little mysterious compared to past displays - you don't know what book you're going home with.  Inspired by the chocolate-laden holiday of Valentine's Day, come by the library and go on a blind date with a book!

How does it work? Librarians have chosen books from our collection that don't require subject expertise or a dictionary to get through - anyone can pick one up and enjoy it. Ha, that was totally an awesome pun I threw in there.

Click on photo to enlarge.
Click on photo to enlarge.

And we want you to let us know if you enjoyed your blind date! Each book comes with a special bookmark (to the right) - fill out the short "survey of your date" on the back of the bookmark when you return the book. (Click on bookmark to enlarge.) Let us know if the book was a stud or a dud.

We'll post the blind date results here, in this blog. (And learn if librarians have any future at matchmaking.)

Check back for updates throughout the month of February!

Responses from brave souls who went on blind book dates.
  1. TBA