Longer summer nights mean more time to read new books. Better get on it. Also, some of our books have clear, protective covers on them, which means you can put your iced tea or other beverage of choice directly on the book covers. The condensation won't hurt them! (Do not attempt with trade paperbacks.)
- The SAGE dictionary of qualitative inquiry / 2007
- Seven pillars of servant leadership : practicing the wisdom of leading by serving / 2009
- CLEP official study guide, 2013 : College-level Examination Program / 2013
- Bridging social psychology: Benefits of transdisciplinary approaches / 2006
- After the suicide : helping the bereaved to find a path from grief to recovery / 2012
- The Analytical Puzzle: Profitable Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence and Analytics / 2012
- The dark night of the soul: A psychiatrist explores the connection between darkness and spiritual growth / 2004
- Standardized minds: The high price of America's testing culture and what we can do to change it / 2000
- Resolving ethical dilemmas: A guide for clinicians / 2013
- DSM - V / 2013 (2 copies - one lives in the Reference Collection; one in circ)
- Handbook of cognition and emotion / 2013
- Electronic Portfolios 2.0: Emergent Research on Implementation and Impact / 2011
- Documenting learning with Eportfolios: A guide for college instructors / 2009
- The sustainable enterprise fieldbook: When it all comes together / 2009
- SQ21: The twenty-one skills of spiritual intelligence / 2012
- DVD version: Three approaches to psychotherapy: Strupp
- DVD version: Three approaches to psychotherapy: Meichenbaum
- DVD version: Three approaches to psychotherapy: Beck
Also, one of our library plants jumped to its demise. Our large aloe plant lived on top of the EDS Assessment Test cabinet in the back hall. In a moment of cabinet door slamming, the plant decided to leap onto one of our librarians and then the floor. Unlike the plant, the librarian survived and is recovering nicely, save for a little dirt in her hair and green aloe juice on her sweater.