Thursday, May 30, 2013

June 2013 New Books

Longer summer nights mean more time to read new books. Better get on it. Also, some of our books have clear, protective covers on them, which means you can put your iced tea or other beverage of choice directly on the book covers. The condensation won't hurt them! (Do not attempt with trade paperbacks.)
Also, one of our library plants jumped to its demise. Our large aloe plant lived on top of the EDS Assessment Test cabinet in the back hall. In a moment of cabinet door slamming, the plant decided to leap onto one of our librarians and then the floor. Unlike the plant, the librarian survived and is recovering nicely, save for a little dirt in her hair and green aloe juice on her sweater.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

SuperSearch Launches!

Ever wish you had an easy button for library research? Well, your wish has been granted. On May 13, Twin Cities Library launched SuperSearch, a new search tool that will greatly simplify library research!

SuperSearch is a single search for articles, books, and more, and it enables you to:
  • search articles, books, eBooks, streaming videos, assessment tests, and more all at once
  • copy and paste APA and AMA citations into a reference list
  • save searches and resources to your account
  • organize resources into folders
  • get email notifications when new articles on your topic are published
Watch the one minute video demo below -- before it goes viral. You can learn more about SuperSearch by reading the SuperSearch FAQs and SuperSearch Handout or view the SuperSearch interactive tutorial.
You can still access individual databases (e.g. Academic Search Premier) from the library website if that is your preference.

SuperSearch will be added to the Twin Cities Library homepage on May 13. Let us know what you think, so we can help you maximize this powerful resource.

SuperSearch Quirks

As with any new product, you might experience some quirks and hiccups! Please let us know if you do and we will work to quickly resolve the issue. We'll list those issues here, and update you when they're fixed.

  1. RESOLVED 5/17. Get Full Text error. You've found a great article and now you want to retrieve the full text. If you select Get Full Text, then "Get this article from....", you will get an error if you are using the browser Internet Explorer.
    • Work-around. Use Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, or Google Chrome