Thursday, December 19, 2013

Top Tens of 2013: Amusing Library Statistics

Twin Cities Library likes to reflect upon the past year by finding data like Weirdest Search Terms that Led You to Us. Enjoy.

Below are a selection of our favorite tongue-in-cheek and more useful statistics, courtesy of Google Analytics and our library system Aleph.

2013 Top Ten Weirdest (or Awesomely Misspelled) Search Terms that Landed Someone on our Website
  1. help
  2. centralize sticky notes
  3. kualitative and kuantitative research
  4. laptop chairs in mn
  5. quntitative research
  6. smumn blackbiarf  (I like to imagine this is a type of disease that causes retching)
  7. "controlled vocabulary" city of  (oooh I'd move there in a heartbeat!)
  8. ebsco sorry this ebook is in use
  9. blind date with a book umn
2013 Top Ten Countries with Visitors to our Website (Besides the US)
  1. United Kingdom
  2. India
  3. Philippines
  4. Pakistan
  5. Malaysia
  6. Canada
  7. Jamaica (Saint Mary's University has a partnership with the Catholic College of Mandeville located in Jamaica)
  8. Kenya (Saint Mary's University's Christ the Teacher Institute for Education and Maryknoll Institute of African Studies are located in Nairobi, Kenya)
  9. Australia
  10. South Africa
2013 Top 13 Most Checked Out Titles
In 2013 we acquired 676 new items - and those are only physical items like books, DVDs, dissertations, and assessment tests. We brought you thousands of new items if you count the journal articles we got access to!
  1. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5. THE BIG WINNER with 9 loans (a lot, considering our loan period is 60 days). The APA came out with the much anticipated  fifth edition of their seminal, and sometimes controversial, manual.
  2. Business law and the legal environment (8)
  3. The child psychotherapy treatment planner (7)
  4. Three approaches to psychotherapy, Strupp - DVD (7)
  5. Three approaches to psychotherapy, Meichenbaum - DVD (6)
  6. The complete adult psychotherapy treatment planner (6)
  7. Developmental psychopathology: From infancy through adolescence (5)
  8. Transformational leadership styles of laboratory medical directors - dissertation (4)
  9. Lean in: Women, work, and the will to lead
  10. The nearly departed: Minnesota ghost stories and legends
  11. BIA, Beck Anxiety Manual - assessment test (4)
  12. The mind traveller, Oliver Sacks - DVD (4)
  13. Factors contributing to the exits from the superintendency in Minnesota - dissertation (4)
2013 Top Ten Mobile Devices Used to Access our Website
Mobile isn't king though - the traditional desktop computer still is. 92% of you accessed our website using a desktop computer. 4.4% accessed us from a phone, and 3.6% access us from a tablet. It'll be interesting to see if these numbers shift in the future. Check back in a year!
  1. Apple iPad
  2. Apple iPhone
  3. Apple iPod
  4. T-Mobile G2 Touch HTC Sapphire
  5. Samsung Galaxy SIII
  6. Samsung Galaxy SII
  7. Motorola Droid Razr 4G
  8. Samsung Galaxy S IV
  9. Google Nexus 10
  10. Opera Mini for S60

Remember the days before SuperSearch? We don't like to think about that dark period, either. SuperSearch launched on May 11, 2013, and changed the way you (and we) do academic research. In early September we began keep statistics on SuperSearch, some of which are Top Ten worthy.

2013 Top Ten Search Terms/Phrases Used in SuperSearch
  1. Search articles, books, and more all at once....  The big winner with 702 searches!! (This is the generic filler text in the SuperSearch box...y'all must be hitting search first! I do that, too.)
  2. autism
  3. dogs (LOL, this is the text Rachel always types in when she needs to test something or do a sample search. HER favorite term showed up in the top ten, the rest of ours didn't. Hmph.)
  4. strong interest inventory
  5. autism and education
  6. MBTI
  7. stroke
  8. ACOs (affordable care organizations)
  9. apa
  10. leadership

Friday, December 13, 2013

Save Articles in Google Scholar

An awesome SuperSearch feature is now available in Google Scholar, too - save articles in a folder and retrieve them later!  

On the search results page, save articles in My library, a feature of Google Scholar that appears when you are signed into your Google account. Select Save below a search result to save it to your library where you can read or cite it later. Select My library to see all the articles in your library.

Monday, December 09, 2013

Holiday Break Hours

Twin Cities Library will have reduced hours over the next few weeks due to various holiday happenings. Check ahead before you come by!

Holiday Hours:

Thursday, 12/19 9:00am - 11:00am
CLOSED 11:00am - 3:00pm
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Friday, 12/20 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Saturday, 12/21 CLOSED
Monday, 12/23 9:00am - 5:00pm
(Staff may be in full holiday regalia.)
Tuesday, 12/24 -
Wednesday, 01/01
(Yuletide and whatnot.)
Thursday, 01/02 -
Friday, 01/03
9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday, 01/04 CLOSED
Monday, 01/06 Normal hours resume.

Sunday, December 01, 2013

December 2013 New Books

Ho ho ho and mistletoe. Here's a list of the newest additions to the Twin Cities Library's print collection.

  1. Admissions, Academic Records and Registration Services: A Handbook of Policies and Procedures / Quann, James C. 
  2. Ariadne's Thread: Case Studies in the therapeutic Relationship / Cowan, Eric W. 
  3. Assessment for Excellence: The Philosophy and Practice of Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education / Astin, Alexander W. 
  4. Autism Spectrum Disorder / Lubetsky, Martin J. 
  5. Constructing Grounded Theory: A Practical Guide through Qualitative Analysis / Charmaz, Kathy 
  6. Counseling Boys and Young Men / Degges-White, Suzanne 
  7. Disrupting Class, Expanded Edition: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns / Christensen, Clayton 
  8. Evaluating the Economics of Complementary and Integrative Medicine / Herman, Dr Patricia 
  9. Families, Professionals, and Exceptionality: Positive Outcomes Through Partnerships and Trust (6e) / Turnbull, Ann 
  10. Flourishing: Positive Psychology and the Life Well-Lived / Keyes, Corey L. M. 
  11. Health Economics / Sloan, Frank A. 
  12. Higher Education and First-Generation Students: Cultivating Community, Voice, and Place for the New Majority / Jehangir, Rashné 
  13. How We Think / Dewey, John 
  14. Making Learning Whole: How Seven Principles of Teaching Can Transform Education / Perkins, David 
  15. Marriage and Family Therapy: A Practice-Oriented Approach / Linda Metcalf 
  16. Measuring the Success of Coaching / Phillips, Patricia Pulliam 
  17. Naturalistic Inquiry / Lincoln, Yvonna S. 
  18. Self in Social Psychology: Key Readings / Baumeister, Roy F. 
  19. Student Engagement in Higher Education: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Approaches for Diverse Populations / Harper, Shaun R. 
  20. The Crowdfunding Bible: How To Raise Money For Any Startup, Video Game Or Project / Steinberg, Scott 
  21. The Crowdfunding Revolution: How to Raise Venture Capital Using Social Media / Lawton, Kevin 
  22. The Kickstarter Handbook: Real-Life Success Stories of Artists, Inventors, and Entrepreneurs / Steinberg, Don 
  23. The Mismeasure of Crime / Mosher, Clayton J. 
  24. The Mummy at the Dining Room Table: Eminent Therapists Reveal Their Most Unusual Cases and What They Teach Us About Human Behavior / Kottler, Jeffrey A. 
  25. The Networked Nonprofit: Connecting with Social Media to Drive Change / Kanter, Beth 
  26. The Secrets of Crowdfunding: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting the Most From Your Kickstarter Campaign / Akers, Sean 
  27. Unmasking Identities: An Exploration of the Lives of Gay and Lesbian Teachers / Janna Marie Jackson