Saturday, February 01, 2014

February 2014 New Books

Despite head colds and the flu going around, the Internet says you can't get sick from touching a library book.*  Have some good, clean fun with the new books we got this month. And for those of you particularly adverse to germs and such, now is the perfect time to get your hands on these books before they are used by anyone else. LOL.

*OK so even I wouldn't touch a book after reading the title of that article (if you clicked through). However, if you read the whole article, rest assured you won't actually get ill or catch anything, which was the point I was trying to make...albeit not very well. "The professors assured everyone that concentrations of the virus were so minimal that there is no public health risk and it would be impossible for people to contract it by touching the book" (Roy, 2013, para. 3). Good researchers would consult the primary research article mentioned in this TIME article, but I'm too busy washing my hands to look that up. Gross.

Also, we don't own a copy of Fifty Shades of Grey at Twin Cities Library.

Roy, J. (2013, Nov. 13). Fifty Shades of Grey tests positive for traces of herpes virus. Retrieved from

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