Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Journal Finder Change

Changes TODAY:

Remember this guy? 
If yes, please continue reading:

TC Library is transitioning from using the  service to an easier, better, faster, stronger service called Full Text Options. This change will affect the way you access the full text of articles in Saint Mary's databases when a PDF is not immediately available.
  • You'll notice a small difference:
    • These are your NEW options:
      • Full Text Options - Saint Mary's University
  • This offensive button is no more.
  • This change will also affect Google Scholar. Instead of finding free full text using a Find it @ SMU link, you will now follow a Full Text Options from SMU link. Note that for a few weeks after the transition, the link may not appear on your Scholar results page as Google needs to re-aggregate the websites. We have a work-around for finding free full text through Google Scholar here.

Upcoming changes:

  • Next week, look for the service Journal Finder to end. We are introducting a new service called Journals A-Z. The functionality is exactly the same; the look is a little different. Here's a two minute Video Introduction to Journals A-Z. More information will be available next week.

This has nothing to do with anything.

Contact TC Library with questions: 


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Renée Vevea | Natural Elements

Opening Reception: October 24, 2012, 4–7p.m.

Natural Elements embodies a keen interest in displaying my art in public to share the vivid colors, imagery, textures and abstractions developed in the painting process. Natural Elements brings many pieces embodying nature and the interpretation thereof including the use of natural found items for use in building texture, shapes and depth to the paintings. A uniqueness of most of my pieces is that they can be hung in no particular direction — vertically, horizontally, "upside down" — for many there is no "right" way; hence, many of my pieces are signed on the edge of the painting, not the front. I have a huge appreciation for art and believe it should be shared for all to view, ponder and, potentially learn from. Art oftentimes brings the viewer inside the piece or themselves, and evokes feelings and emotions, along with discussion.

I enjoy painting in acrylics because of their fluidity and flexibility with the many compounds I incorporate. I love to layer multiple colors and use many different types of compounds and water to layer paint onto the canvas. I am currently working on an EdD in Leadership at Saint Mary's University of Minnesota and work in the interactive/ecommerce field for a large company in Minneapolis. In addition, I am an adjunct faculty member for the Art Institutes International and teach a variety of courses part-time. I find inspiration all around me including nature, music, social interactions, social commentary, fashion, design and education. I bridge creativity and an abstract business approach with logic and linear thinking fully embodying the left brain right brain persona as evidenced in my dimensional paintings.

Sample the intricate and abstract world of Renée Vevea Art at www.reneeveveaart.blogspot.com

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Counseling/Therapy Video Database

Good news everyone!

TC Library is trialing the third installment of our popular streaming video database series Counseling and Therapy in Video. Our trial goes on through Friday, November 9th.

Test drive CTIV here.

Learn about the Volume III here.

Monday, October 01, 2012

October Book Display

What a terrifying book display!

Actually, what a terrifyingly blurry cell phone picture.

The two books listed:
Come by TC Library to see what else we have to keep you up at night.....

October 2012 New Books

Fall is here and so are some new books. 
Check them out.
That pun will never get old.

This list is a little short. Worry not, our new book blogger will add to the list as the titles trickle in. Or should I say....as the titles trick or treat in? MWAHAHAHAHAHHA.

Oh hi on 10/10. Here are more new titles.