Monday, March 31, 2014

SMU Alumni Author Spotlight

Twin Cities Library has many scholarly and creative works by Saint Mary's University alumni and faculty. Visit Twin Cities Library to see our dedicated display space showcasing the works of our alumni and faculty.

Strauss, S. (2012). Sexual harassment and bullying: A guide to keeping kids safe and holding schools accountable. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Check availability.

Dr. Susan Strauss is a 2007 graduate of Saint Mary's University's EDD program.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

SuperSearch Still Can't Find Books

If you're looking for books or videos this week, forget SuperSearch. Go old school with our library catalog instead. For whatever reason, SuperSearch is selectively omitting all catalog results from its search results page. And sometimes it doesn't (see image below).

Access Twin Cities Library's catalog.

There is no rhyme nor reason to this error in SuperSearch - doesn't matter if you're in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Explorer - you may or may not get Twin Cities Library catalog records back in your search. SuperSearch is being finicky today...we suppose someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

We've contacted EBSCO about this problem and will hopefully have it resolved soon.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

For Faculty Eyes Only: Teaching Naked

Get Dr. José Bowen’s amazingly popular book Teaching Naked from Twin Cities Library. Teaching Naked: Flipping the Classroom, is the theme for 2014’s Faculty Development 6-month Teaching and Learning Series.

Faculty - Register Now!
Saturday, April 26th 9:00-12:00

Teaching and Learning Series Description: This year’s faculty development 6-month series focuses on Dr. José Bowen’s amazingly popular book Teaching Naked. Bowen’s book discusses how to maximize learning by restructuring our courses so students have first exposure to content through digital technology outside class, reserving precious in-class time for application and interaction (i.e., flipping the classroom).  The idea is to deepen understanding and promote critical thinking through continual engagement with course content and concepts.

All attendees of the teaching and learning series kickoff will receive a FREE COPY of  Teaching Naked: How Moving Technology Out of Your College Classroom Will Improve Student Learning by Dr. José Bowen (2012).

Check out Twin Cities Library's other resources on flipping the classroom, too!

Saturday, March 01, 2014

March 2014 New Books

March is blustering in like a cold, snowy lion – which means it is a great time to huddle indoors with an interesting new book!  Besides, if you get your reading done now, you’ll have more time to enjoy the springtime weather once the snow (finally!) begins to melt.


A History of African Higher Education from Antiquity to the Present: A Critical Synthesis - Lulat, Y. G-M

Anselm Academic Study Bible - Osiek RSCJ, Carolyn

Core Concepts in Health (10th edition) - Insel, Paul M. & Roth, Walton T.

Focus On Health - Hahn, Dale B

Gardner's Art Through the Ages - Kleiner, Fred S.

Religions of the World - Hopfe, Lewis M.