Friday, December 21, 2012

EBSCO Folders Unavailable

Oops, EBSCO is doing some maintenance on the first day of our semester. Some of the functionality will be down during the morning and afternoon. But hopefully you won't have to start your research immediately after your first class!

EBSCOhost News
Please note that for about eight hours beginning at 7:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5) on Saturday, January 5, 2013, the EBSCOadmin interface and consequently, certain EBSCOhost functionality, will be unavailable due to planned maintenance.  Please note that EBSCOhost will continue to be available during this brief interval.  Affected functionality will include:
  • Logging into your personal EBSCO account
  • Checkout and Download of eBooks
  • Access to My EBSCOhost folder items or the ability to save items to personalized folders from session
  • Some databases may experience a delay in currency
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this maintenance interval.  

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Top Tens of 2012: Internet, Memes, and More

In 2012, a few librarian-related memes came out. It makes sense, really. The Internet is the home of cat memes and librarians gravitate toward cats at parties, so it was only a matter of time before the two morphed into one. Scroll to the bottom of the page to gaze at the popular Ryan Gosling + libraries meme.

But first, on a less sexy but still terrible fascinating note, here's what Google Analytics has told us about our online users and their habits for 2012. Oh, and we've had 32,308 unique users visit our site so far this year (stats from January 1st to December 10th). We feel almost as pretty and popular as Ryan Gosling. Almost.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
2012 Top Tens: Searching for TC Library’s Website from the Internet
Hm. People seem to be searching for Blackboard and not the Library. Sad. Next year, maybe our searchers will consider using quotation marks around their search phrases, LOL.
  1. smumn blackboard
  2. smumn library
  3. blackboard
  4. qualitative vs quantitative research
  5. blackboard smumn
  6. smumn blackboard login
  8. saint mary's university of minnesota
  9. qualitative vs quantitative

2012 Top Tens: Top Ten States using TC Library’s Website (excluding MN and WI)
  1. Illinois wins! - 1,146
  2. California - 808
  3. New York - 557
  4. Michigan - 544
  5. Texas - 524
  6. Florida - 420
  7. Ohio - 396
  8. Colorado - 394
  9. Pennsylvania - 371
  10. Georgia - 350

2012 Top Tens: Top Ten International Superpowers using TC Library’s Website (excluding US)
    1. United Kingdom wins! - 255
    2. (not set) - 230 (I'll go ahead and assume this is North Korea.)
    3. India - 229
    4. Canada - 188 (eh? Fourth?)
    5. Philippines - 164
    6. Australia - 124
    7. Malaysia - 116
    8. Jamaica - 108
    9. Kenya - 106
    10. Saudi Arabia - 100

    Top Tens of 2012: What People are Reading and We're Buying

    In 2012, an impressive 4,017 items from TC Library's physical collection were checked out by you all!
    The book and video titles most popular in the TC Library collection are included below, and if you feel so inclined, they're hyperlinked so you can put a hold on them. ZOMG such fun reading and watching for Christmas Break!
    1. Publication manual of the American Psychological Association
    2. Three approaches to psychotherapy III (video)
    3. Values based family therapy (video)
    4. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-IV-TR (FYI - this manual is getting replaced with a 5th edition in 2013)
    5. Internal family systems therapy (video)
    6. Assessment and treatment activities for children, adolescents, and families: Practitioners share their most effective techniques
    7. The way home (video)
    8. Working with Native Americans (video)
    9. Ouch! That stereotype hurts: How to speak up (video)
    10. Working with Asian American clients (video)
    We like to buy things, too. "Make it rain with library material$" is our motto. Arranged by good ol' DDC call number + subject, here's the top ten areas where we beefed up our collection, just for you.
    1. 616 (Diseases) - 122 new items
    2. 658 (General management) - 78 new items
    3. 371 (School management; special education) - 53 new items
    4. 155 (Differential & developmental psychology) - 40 new items
    5. 362 (Social welfare problems & services) - 29 new items
    6. 618 (Gynecology & other medical specialities) - 22 new items
    7. 150 (Psychology) - 18 new items
    8. 378 (Higher education) - 18 new items
    9. 153 (Mental processes & intelligence) - 17 new items
    10. 158 (Applied psychology) - 16 new items
    Beefed up, you say? Beefcake? You know what, here's some more Ryan Gosling for me you. Just 'cause it's that time of the year and I'm feeling generous. Is it hot in here?

    Monday, December 10, 2012

    EBSCO accounts down on Tuesday

    For a few hours Tuesday morning (12/18) you won't be able to access your EBSCO account. Details below.

    EBSCOhost News
    Please note that for about three hours beginning at 6:00 a.m. Central Time on Tuesday, December 18, 2012 certain EBSCOhost functionality will be unavailable due to planned maintenance.  Please note that EBSCOhost will continue to be available during this brief interval, however EBSCOhost with Navigator may experience intermittent interrupted access.  Affected functionality will include:
    • Personal User Authentication
    • Checkout and Download of eBooks
    • Alerts
    • Access to My EBSCOhost folder items or the ability to save items to personalized folders from session
    • RSS will be unavailable
    We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this short maintenance interval.

    Tuesday, December 04, 2012

    December 2012 New Books

    OK there's not much to see here. Santa hasn't come yet, but we needed a blog post. Perhaps you'll check back here in a week, when books have had a chance to arrive.

    Of course, you could always come to the library and look under our Christmas tree, in hopes that ol' Saint Steve or Saint Rebecca left a little something for you. By Christmas tree, I mean hold shelf.

    Monday, 12/10 update: Hanukkah started on Saturday, so here are eight new books.

    Thursday, November 08, 2012

    November New Books

    What better way to welcome November than to explore the cornucopia of knowledge offered to you by TC Library?! (in the form of new books).
    Also, someone needs to help me quit eating these. I love them. LOVE THEM.

    Tuesday, October 30, 2012

    Journal Finder Change

    Changes TODAY:

    Remember this guy? 
    If yes, please continue reading:

    TC Library is transitioning from using the  service to an easier, better, faster, stronger service called Full Text Options. This change will affect the way you access the full text of articles in Saint Mary's databases when a PDF is not immediately available.
    • You'll notice a small difference:
      • These are your NEW options:
        • Full Text Options - Saint Mary's University
    • This offensive button is no more.
    • This change will also affect Google Scholar. Instead of finding free full text using a Find it @ SMU link, you will now follow a Full Text Options from SMU link. Note that for a few weeks after the transition, the link may not appear on your Scholar results page as Google needs to re-aggregate the websites. We have a work-around for finding free full text through Google Scholar here.

    Upcoming changes:

    • Next week, look for the service Journal Finder to end. We are introducting a new service called Journals A-Z. The functionality is exactly the same; the look is a little different. Here's a two minute Video Introduction to Journals A-Z. More information will be available next week.

    This has nothing to do with anything.

    Contact TC Library with questions:

    Wednesday, October 17, 2012

    Renée Vevea | Natural Elements

    Opening Reception: October 24, 2012, 4–7p.m.

    Natural Elements embodies a keen interest in displaying my art in public to share the vivid colors, imagery, textures and abstractions developed in the painting process. Natural Elements brings many pieces embodying nature and the interpretation thereof including the use of natural found items for use in building texture, shapes and depth to the paintings. A uniqueness of most of my pieces is that they can be hung in no particular direction — vertically, horizontally, "upside down" — for many there is no "right" way; hence, many of my pieces are signed on the edge of the painting, not the front. I have a huge appreciation for art and believe it should be shared for all to view, ponder and, potentially learn from. Art oftentimes brings the viewer inside the piece or themselves, and evokes feelings and emotions, along with discussion.

    I enjoy painting in acrylics because of their fluidity and flexibility with the many compounds I incorporate. I love to layer multiple colors and use many different types of compounds and water to layer paint onto the canvas. I am currently working on an EdD in Leadership at Saint Mary's University of Minnesota and work in the interactive/ecommerce field for a large company in Minneapolis. In addition, I am an adjunct faculty member for the Art Institutes International and teach a variety of courses part-time. I find inspiration all around me including nature, music, social interactions, social commentary, fashion, design and education. I bridge creativity and an abstract business approach with logic and linear thinking fully embodying the left brain right brain persona as evidenced in my dimensional paintings.

    Sample the intricate and abstract world of Renée Vevea Art at

    Wednesday, October 10, 2012

    Counseling/Therapy Video Database

    Good news everyone!

    TC Library is trialing the third installment of our popular streaming video database series Counseling and Therapy in Video. Our trial goes on through Friday, November 9th.

    Test drive CTIV here.

    Learn about the Volume III here.

    Monday, October 01, 2012

    October Book Display

    What a terrifying book display!

    Actually, what a terrifyingly blurry cell phone picture.

    The two books listed:
    Come by TC Library to see what else we have to keep you up at night.....

    October 2012 New Books

    Fall is here and so are some new books. 
    Check them out.
    That pun will never get old.

    This list is a little short. Worry not, our new book blogger will add to the list as the titles trickle in. Or should I the titles trick or treat in? MWAHAHAHAHAHHA.

    Oh hi on 10/10. Here are more new titles.

    Saturday, September 22, 2012

    Interlibrary Loan Restored

    In order to make improvements to our catalog, holds and Interlibrary Loan services were down from September 22, 2012 2:00 a.m. to September 24, 2012 9:00 a.m. The catalog upgrades are complete, and holds and interlibrary loan services have been restored. Thanks for your patience!!

    Wednesday, September 19, 2012

    September 2012 New Books

    Were you a little miffed with your textbook bill this fall semester?
    We understand; we spent a bunch on new books, too.
    It's a great investment! :-)
    1. Coping with trauma-related dissociation : skills training for patients and their therapists
    2. Traumatic stress : the effects of overwhelming experience on mind, body, and society
    3. Crucial elements of police firearms training
    4. Recovering sanity : a compassionate approach to understanding and treating psychosis
    5. Anxiety in childbearing women : diagnosis and treatment
    6. Hindsight : the promise and peril of looking backward
    7. Narrative matters : the power of the personal essay in health policy
    8. Liberating scholarly writing : the power of personal narrative
    9. Social enterprise : a global comparison
    10. The art of being : reflections on the beauty and the risk of embracing who we are
    11. Life inside the "thin" cage : a personal look into the hidden world of the chronic dieter
    12. Families, professionals, and exceptionality : positive outcomes through partnerships and trust
    13. Medical team training : strategies for improving patient care and communication
    14. From menarche to menopause : the female body in feminist therapy
    15. School reform from the inside out : policy, practice, and performance
    16. The psychospiritual clinician's handbook : alternative methods for understanding and treating mental disorders
    17. Reproductive trauma : psychotherapy with infertility and pregnancy loss clients
    18. Worth it-- not worth it? : simple & profitable answers to life's tough financial questions
    19. The motivation to work
    20. The 5 elements of effective thinking
    21. Grounded theory : the philosophy, method, and work of Barney Glaser
    22. Kiss, bow, or shake hands Latin America : how to do business in 18 Latin American countries
    23. Collapse : how societies choose to fail or succeed

    Thursday, September 06, 2012

    EBSCO Down Off Campus

    When you attempt to access an EBSCO database from off campus, you are unable to. You get a white screen with a bunch of text. The "sign in" link does not work; the search box does not work. None of the links work, hooray!

    EBSCO is aware of the issue. We will update you as soon as this is resolved.

    EBSCO error screen

    Friday, August 31, 2012

    Reality TV in Academic Scholarship

    Why is Snooki duck-facing it up in our September book display? 
    Guess you'll have to come to the Library to find out. 

    Monday, August 20, 2012

    EBSCO eBooks

    What a nice surprise to start a new school year off right! Twin Cities Library is excited to announce a HUGE addition to our collection--over 83,000 eBooks.

    EBSCO eBooks -- click to play!

    EBSCO eBooks is a collection of over 83,000 electronic books covering many topics—new titles are added each month. Subjects include art, business, education, literary criticism, biographies, history, law, psychology, medicine, and religion.

    Need help? EBSCO eBooks User Guide

    Monday, July 09, 2012


    TC Library has migrated to a new chat reference platform!

    We are using LibraryH3lp now. You might notice a small difference visually to our chat feature, but the ease of use and anonymity are still the same. We switched platforms because our chat predecessor, Meebo, was purchased by Google a few months ago and Google chose to discontinue the service. Alas!

    However, turns out this chat platform is even better--it works on PCs, Macs, tablets and most mobile devices.

    JavaScript disabled or chat unavailable.

    Thursday, June 14, 2012

    iPad-friendly tutorials

    TC Library is working on creating iPad friendly tutorials. On our tutorials pages, look for the iPad icon to watch video tutorials compatible on Apple devices.
     = iPad icon 
    Our usual video tutorials (indicated by the 'lil icon below) are Flash-based, so they don't work on those cool tablets seen around campus. Until now baby!
    = usual video icon

    Dying to watch a tutorial?
    Check out our most recently updated tutorial on Google Scholar.

    Thursday, June 07, 2012

    New Art on Park Artist!

    Art on Park: June 2012
    Saint Mary's University has the privilege of hosting the work of Jonathan McFadden, an emerging artist whose provocative work has been exhibited throughout the United States. McFadden's collection, Adversarial Collaboration, will be shown in this June's Art on Park exhibit and will highlight his use of printmaking media and digital applications to design intricate maps of the global landscape and recent environmental phenomena.
    Please join us in the Library to meet the artist at our opening reception on June 13 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. We changed the format of the Art on Park receptions, so there will not be a formal talk. Simply drop-in for cake and punch anytime that works for you. 

    Tuesday, May 22, 2012

    New Databases: FAITS & SMP

    ITM, PSA, and Police Science students rejoice! We have two new databases especially for you.
    FAITS stands for Faulkner Advisory for IT Studies. Topics covered in this database include IT infrastructure, wireless communications, security, telecom, data networking, convergence, and information management. In addition to articles and reports, FAITS has tutorials, industry standards, company profiles and more. Healthcare students can also rejoice--there is a section specific to healthcare IT topics in FAITS as well. Time to read up on electronic medical records....

    SMP stands for Security Management Practices. Topics include securing the enterprise network, planning for disruptions, managing risk, protecting intellectual property, protecting and training employees, establishing security best practices, deploying network security appliances, using biometric technologies for network and physical security, managing organizational risk and more. SMP primarily offers news reports and has a weekly digest summarizing major events in security.

    Monday, May 21, 2012

    TC Library: Mobilized

    Resources are within reach with Twin Cities Library's NEW mobile website! Access this mobile-friendly site using any smartphone or tablet (e.g. iPad) with Internet access. On this website, you can:
    • Search for articles, ebooks, and more
    • View your checked-out items
    • Renew and request materials
    • Watch video tutorials
    • Get library hours and directions
    • Ask us a question
    The website was developed by Twin Cities Librarians, and its features were ordered based on student and faculty preferences as evidenced by our mobile website usability study.

    For easy access on the go, bookmark the site or use the "MOBILE WEBSITE " link at

    Try it out, and let us know what you think.

    Friday, May 18, 2012

    May 2012 New Books #2

    Book Chapter Authored by SGPP Faculty

    Exciting news, SMU Community!

    Yvette Pye, Ph.D., Core Assistant Professor in our EDD program is a contributing author in the just-published book Breaking the Mold of Education for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students.

    To quote Dr. Pye:
    "This book, the third in the Breaking the Mold series, was conceptualized with the hope that by sharing compelling stories of successful innovation, advocacy, and social justice, more children and their families will be affected in positive ways. The narratives presented in this volume are rooted in classrooms, districts, communities, teacher preparation programs from around the United States and many corners of the world. The unique initiatives portrayed here represent collaborative efforts by students, teachers, administrators, professors, parents, boards of education, and global citizens who believe in change and transformation for the betterment of education. 
    TC Library has just purchased this book.
    To learn more about the book or to place a hold on it, click here.

    Saturday, May 05, 2012

    May 2012 New Books

    Yes, you may see a list of our new books!
    Since May just started and our purchasing power has yet to reach full steam, here is an abbreviated list of our new books...5 of them....cinco de Mayo, perhaps?
    And even better, there is a wacky-waving-arm-flailing-inflatable-tube-calendar to the right. Could this post get any better? Maybe, some with more puns?
    1. The psychology of selling : how to sell more, easier, and faster than you ever thought possible. / Brian Tracy. 2004.
    2. The nature of leadership. / Antonakis. 2012.
    3. The origins of political order : from prehuman times to the French Revolution / Francis Fukuyama. 2011.
    4. Embodied enquiry : phenomenological touchstones for research, psychotherapy and spirituality. / Todres. 2011.
    5. Handbook of intercultural training. / Bennett, Janet Marie; Bennett, Milton J.; Landis, Dan. / 2004.

    Thursday, April 19, 2012

    Hendrickson Forum Today

    Hi SMU Library Lovers,
    At 1:30pm today, the Hendrickson Institute is hosting a seminar From Free to Fee and Other Information Age Challenges. This topic affects everyone--come and ask questions! Here's a quick overview of the content of the Q&A seminar:
    Organizations and individuals are drowning in information. How can they search, assess, and distribute it in order to make good decisions?
    • How do organizations find all the credible information they need? What’s about free vs. paid services?
    • Who “owns” information? How are intellectual property rights protected?
    • While we search and buy online, what data is being collected about us and how do businesses use it?
    • How has the packaging and selling of information changed business models? How are organizations adapting to information as "the product"?
    Sue Gardner

    Read more about the seminar here.

    And later in the afternoon, the Hendrickson Institute is hosting a forum titled Why Wikipedia Matters. It features Sue Gardner, executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation.

    Time: 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.
    Registration at 3:00 p.m. Program*, reception to follow.

    Read more about the Hendrickson Forum here.

    Monday, April 16, 2012

    April 2012 New Books

    Springtime means new books in the library!

    Tuesday, April 10, 2012

    Classical Music Database


    Love classical music? So do we!
    Sometimes we prefer Ke$ha. But I digress.

    If you do love the classical, then you'll be pleased to learn there is a database dedicated to classical music and you can use it for free this month!!!!

    The database is called Classical Music in Video (read about it here) produced by the Alexander Street Press. They are the same group that provides the excellent Counseling and Therapy In Video (CTIV) database to which we subscribe.

    In order to enjoy classical music for free for a month, sign up here. Minimal information is needed--just your name, email address, and institution name (Saint Mary's University of MN). Then you can rock like Bach or dance like Franz (Schubert).

    **The photo above was doctored. The database does not contain the music of The Biebz.

    Thursday, April 05, 2012

    2012 Easter Hours

    TC Library will be closed Friday, April 6th through Monday, April 9th in honor of the Easter Holiday weekend. 

    Normal hours resume Tuesday, April 10th.

    Egg salad sandwiches will be consumed by library staff that week.

    Tuesday, March 27, 2012

    EBSCO Databases Inaccessible

    UPDATE: As of Wednesday, 3/28, EBSCO databases are now up and running!

    EBSCO databases are currently inaccessible.
    When you attempt to access an EBSCO database, you may see the error messages "Service Unavailable" or "A System Problem has Occurred" or a blank white screen.

    We are investigating the problem and we'll let you know when the issue is resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience!

    In the meantime, try out one of our other databases here.

    Thursday, March 22, 2012

    March New Books

    Happy Spring Saint Mary's folks!
    Let's celebrate the lack of snow by enjoying a cup of tea, stomping in some puddles, and looking at some the new books TC Library has acquired this month. Please don't spill tea on, or drop into a puddle, one of our books.

    Thursday, March 08, 2012

    ProQuest Psychology Inaccessible

    Wednesday, March 14th update: ProQuest is back in action.

    ProQuest Psychology is currently inaccessible.
    When you enter the ProQuest interface, ProQuest Psychology Journals is not included in the list of databases.
    While you'll see a search box, you won't be searching any psychology journals.

    In the meantime, you can search PsycINFO or PsycARTICLES.

    We'll let you know when the issue is resolved.

    Wednesday, February 22, 2012

    Art on Park Unwrapped

    New paintings were added to the...
    Marcia Haffmans Exhibit 
    Lines as a Continuum
    Visit Twin Cities Library to see Art on Park unwrapped.
    See additional images of her artwork here.

    Tuesday, February 21, 2012

    Taylor & Francis Downtime

    TC Library subscribes to several journals through the publisher Taylor & Francis. On Wednesday evening T&F (as we insiders call them) will be performing some regularily scheduled maintenance, so if you are unable to access those specific journals (you'll know--Find it will lead you to a Taylor & Francis link), that's why. I win the award for longest sentence.
    From their press release:
    Taylor & Francis Online will be undergoing maintenance on Wednesday 22nd February 2012, starting at 6pm GMT and finishing by 10pm GMT. The platform will be unavailable for one hour from 6pm, and may be unavailable for a further three hours during the scheduled maintenance window. We will be doing all we can to minimize disruption to the service, and thank you for your patience whilst we perform essential work to keep things running smoothly.
    Journals affected include:
    • Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health
    • Journal of Education for Business
    • Journal of In-Service Education
    (This is not a comprehensive list. )

    Monday, February 13, 2012

    Closing @ 7:00pm

    Due to staff illness, the Twin Cities Library will be closing at 7:00pm on Monday, February 13th.
    Apologies for the inconvenience. 

    Friday, February 10, 2012

    "Linked Full Text" not Linking

    2/21/12 update: EBSCO full text linking is working again! Hooray!

    If while searching in an EBSCO database you encounter an option for full text called "Linked Full Text," chances are good that you'll get a dead end and be unable to access the full text of the article. This error seems to happen in the Internet browser Internet Explorer, but it has been occurring in Firefox and Chrome occasionally as well.

    Workaround options:
    • Try accessing the article in a different Internet browser.
    • See a librarian if this happens--we can hopefully work around the error and get you your article.
    EBSCO is aware of the issue and is working to fix it.

    Images of the carnage:

    Wednesday, February 01, 2012

    Love in the Library

    TC Library's February book display is all about love. 

    Being the original people that we are, we thought that love would be a good theme to go with this month. And actually, since we don't have a bunch of books on love, the theme is more like marriage, couples, getting what you want out of a marriage, and that sort of thing. The assumption is there is love involved.

    However, not to discriminate, we also have a lovely selection of materials for people who hate Valentine's Day. Totally cool with us, yo, totally cool.

    But, back to love--we'd love if you'd check out our book display this month.

    Monday, January 16, 2012

    MLK Day Hours

    In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., TC Library will be closing at 5:00pm on Monday, January 16th.

    Thursday, January 05, 2012

    In Memoriam

    After a brief but courageous battle with the bird flu, W. T. (Wiggle Tail) l'Orange, the Twin Cities Library mascot, passed away during the winter holidays.

    W. T. graced us with his presence for almost three years. He held court next to the reference desk and was always ready to lend a helping fin when the library was busy. W. T. l'Orange was a great proponent of Lasallifin education and worked diligently to further the mission of Saint Mary's and the Twin Cities Campus Library. He will be greatly missed.

    Enjoy our memorial photo montage of our dear beta.

    When we first got W. T., we had a Mascot Naming contest. Here he is encouraging people to vote for his name.

    Mascot Naming contest continued. Here he is getting excited about announcing his new name.
    One of W. T.'s first photo shoots. He was a bit shy with the camera at first, but he warmed up to the limelight right away.
    Here W. T. is checking his reflection before greeting students on the first day of the semester.
    W. T. is checking the other side of his reflection.

    In this photo, W. T. looks like Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars.
    Education was very important to W. T. l'Orange. He was also fluent in Spanish, due to Dora the Explorer.
    W. T. l'Orange often assisted us with Library website updates. He was our chief programmer and taught Rachel most of which she knows.

    Our mascot was always fun at a summertime BBQ. He'd often do the grilling for us. Salmon was his signature dish.
    In addition to being a researcher, W. T. was a produce inspector for the USDA.

    W. T. l'Orange was thought to be from Canada--Quebec to be more exact. Here he is on a recent vacation to his home.

    W. T. l'Orange--the most interesting fish in the world.

    W. T. often led scuba diving exhibitions in Cozumel, Mexico.

    This is the last picture we have of W. T. l'Orange.